The Rising Sun

Past and Future Beers

This page shows past and future beers we have had or will have.


Nene Valley - Simple Pleasures Ossett - Silver King Roosters - London Thunder Rosters - YPA Timothy Taylors - Landlord Dark Titanic - plum porter Woodfordes - Wherry St Austell - Tribute Abbeydale - Absolution Abbeydale - Bah Humbug Abbeydale - Ball Relief 4.0% Abbeydale - Baulbals Abbeydale - Bigamy 4.0% Abbeydale - Black Mass Abbeydale - Brimstone Abbeydale - Dark Side Of The Moonshine Abbeydale - Deception 4.1% Abbeydale - Devotion Abbeydale - Essence Fumour 4.1% Abbeydale - Exodus Abbeydale - Facetube Abbeydale - Larceny 4.2% Abbeydale - l'arg d'or 3.9% Abbeydale - Moonshine 4.3% Abbeydale - Redemption 5.0% Abbeydale - reindeer repellant Abbeydale - Restoration Abbeydale - Revelation 4.1% Abbeydale - Slay Bells Abbeydale - Tie Breaker 5.1% Abbeydale - Winter Acorn - Barnsley Bitter Acorn - Bullion IPA 5.0% Acorn - Newport IPA 5.0% Acorn - Yorkshire Pride 3.7% Allgtates - Pretoria 3.9% Arbor - Greenhorn Rising Arbor - Motueka Arbor - Oyster Stout Arbor- Triple Hop Art - Hip Hop Columbus 4.3% Art - Nouveau 3.9% Art Brew - Monkey IPA 6.4% Arundel - ASB 4.5% Ascot - On the rails 3.8% Aylesbury - Magnetic North 3.8% Batemans - XB Bath - Gem Bath - Golden Hare Bath - Special Pale Ale Beer Geek - Geek Unique Black Sheep - Best Bitter Black Sheep - Black Sheep Ale Black Sheep - Golden Sheep Blue Monkey - 99 Red Boboons Blue Monkey - BG Sips Blue Monkey - Guerrilla Blue Monkey - Marmoset Blue Monkey - Sanctuary Blue Monkey - Tie A Yellow Gibbon Boggart - Rum Porter Bowland - Gold 3.8% Bowman - Quiver 4.5% Bradfield - Farmers Bitter Brass Castle - Bad Kitty Brass Castle - Cliffhanger Brass Castle - Hazelnut Mild Brecon - Jazzy Beacons Brewsters - Andromeda Brewsters - Aromantica Brewsters - Cracroft Stoker Brewsters - El Citra El Citra Brewsters - Hop A Doodle Doo 4.3% Brewsters - Hophead 3.6% Brewsters - Hopticale Illusion Brewsters - Marquis Brewster's - roll in the hay 4.0% Brewsters - Up And At 'Em 4.0% Brodies - Bethnal Green Brodies - Citra Brodies - Kiwi Brodies - London Fields 4.0% Brodies - Old Street Pale 5.0% Brodies - Shoreditch Sunshine 3.8% Brodies - Stepney Green Steam 4.5% Buntingford - Highwayman Buntingford - oatmeal stout Bushys - ruby mild 3.5% Butcombe - Bitter Butcombe - Crimson King butcombe - Matthew Cairngorm - Sheepshaggers gold Cairngorm - trade winds 4.3% Castle Rock - Black Gold Castle Rock - Diamond Reign 4.1% Castle Rock - Harvest Pale 3.8% Castle Rock - Preservation Castle Rock - Screech Owl City of Cambridge - Hobson's Choice 4.1% Colchester - Diesel Colchester - Metropolis Colchester - No 1 Connoisseur - Lucem Cotleigh - Buzzard 4.8% Cotswold - Stunner 4.0% Cotswold Spring - Ambler 3.8% Cotswold Spring - OSM 3.9% Courage - Best Bitter 4.0% Courage - Directors Crouch Vale - Brewers Gold 4.0% Crouch Vale - Essexs Boys Bitter Crouch Vale - Summer Breeze 4.2% Crouch Vale - Yakima Gold 4.2% Cwrw Llyn - Limestone Cowboy Dancing Duck - Dark Drake 4.5% Dancing Duck - Nice Weather For Ducks 4.1% Dark Star - American Pale Ale 4.7% Dark Star - Carafa Jade Dark Star - Darkness Dark Star - Expresso Dark Star - Hophead Dark Star - Partridge Dark Star - Revelation Dark Star - Summer Meltdown 4.8% Dark Star - Summer Solstice 4.2% Dark Star - Sunburst Dark Star - Winter Solstice Deeply Vale - Citra storm Deeply Vale - Still Walking Derby - Back To Black Derby - Pennys Porter Derby - Pennys Porter Derby - Triple Hop derventio - Boudicca 4.3% Eden - Experiment 103 Elgoods - Black Dog Mild 3.6% Elgoods - Cambridge Bitter Elgoods - Golden Newt 4.1% Elgoods - Pug Of War Elland - Northern Sky 4.2% Elland - Progression Empire - A Hop Odyseey 4.3% Empire - Red King 5.0% Everards - Beacon Bitter 3.8% Everards - Elixir Everards - Tiger Everards - Tighthead Franklin's - EXP 4.2% Full Mash - ESP Full Mash - Red Dog 3.8% Full Mash - Seance Full Mash - Whistlin' Dixie 3.9% Geeves - Gunwale Dance 4.2% Goose eye - Barm pot 3.8% Goose Eye - Bitter Goosnargh- Truckle Grafton - Bullion Bitter Great Yorkshire - Classic 4.0% Green field - Black Five 4.0% Green Jack - Excelsior 3.7% Green Jack - Lurcher 4.8% Green Jack - Peach Wheat Beer Green Jack - Trawlerboys Hadrian Border - Trawlermans Reward Happy Valley - Lazy Daze 4.2% Hawkshead - Red 4.2% Highland - Dark Munro Hopback - Cherry Diamond 4.2% Hopping Mad - Balmy Days 3.9% Hopping Mad - Black Jack 4.0% Hopping Mad - Brainstorm 4.3% Hopping Mad - Fruitcase 4.5% Hopping Mad - Hopnotch 3.7% Hopping Mad - Hoppiness 3.7% Hopping Mad - Hops Gold 4.0% Hopping Mad - Liberty 5.0% Ilkley - Black Ilkley - Joshua Jane Ilkley - Mary Jane Island - Wight Gold 4.0% Isle Of Purbeck - Best Bitter Isle Of Purbeck - Force Four Isle of Purbeck - Fossil Fuel Jarrow - Benedict Biscop 4.8% Jarrow - Bitter 3.8% Jarrow - Jobblings Swinging Gibbet 4.1% Jarrow - Rivet Catcher 4.0% Kite - Bluestone Bitter Late Knights - Worm Catcher Leeds - gathering storm 4.4% Leeds - pale 3.8% Lodden - In Yer Face IPA 6.0% Long Man - Long Blonde 3.8% Mallinsons - Arrow 4.4% Mars tons - Sweet Chariot Marston's - Pedigree Mauldons - Dickens 4.0% Mauldons - Mole trap 3.8% Mauldons - silver adder 4.2% McEwans - IPA Moncada - Notting Hill Amber Monty's - Midnight Monty's - Old Jailhouse Monty's - Sunshine Mordue - Five Bridges 3.8% Naylors - IPA 4.2% Netergate - Priory Mild Nethergate - Azzaparrot 4.2% Nethergate - Growler Bitter Nethergate - Hound Dog Nethergate - Lemonhead 4.0% Nethergate - Umbel Ale 3.8% Nethergate - Umbel Magna 5.0% Nobbys - Santa's Secret oak hams - Car Theif oakams - scarlet macaw oakham - Asylum Oakham - Attila 7.5% Oakham - Bishops Farewell Oakham - Carioca 5.2% Oakham - Citra 4.2% Oakham - Green Devil IPA Oakham - Green Devil IPA (Craft Keg) Oakham - Inferno Oakham - Midnight Mild Oakham - Sock Monkey Oakham - Warspite 6.2% Oakham Ales - 2 & 7 Oakham Ales - Eugene's Lair oakham ales - guest brewer 'Green Jack' 3.6% Oakham Ales - Harvest spirit 4.3% Oakham Ales - Jesters Ferret Oakham Ales - JHB 3.8% Oakham Ales - The Mercenary Oakham Ales Guest Brewer - RCH Light Porter Oakhams - Attila Oakhams - Endless Summer 3.4% Oakhams - Gilberts Fridge Oakhams - Guest Brewer York 3.7% oakhams - inferno export Oakhams - Multi head Oakhams - Perun Oakhams - The Hare and the Hedgehog Oakhams - The krakens ink Oakhams - Vagabond Oakhams - Water Of Forgetfulness Oates - Summit Offbeat - Oddball Red Offbeat - Unhinged Ginger 4.5% Old Dairy - Blue Top 4.8% Old Dairy - 'Red Top' 3.8% Old Mill - Bullion Bitter Old School - Blackboard Oldershaws - Hollydaze Orkney - Dark Island 4.6% Orkney - red macgregor 4.0% Ossett - Big Red Ossett - Citra 4.2% Ossett - Gold Ossett - South Pacific IPA Outstanding - Selling Out Owenshaw - Katy's Blonde 3.6% Oxfordshire - Blenhiem Oxfordshire - Springs Inn Oxfordshire - Triple B Panda Frog - Pandamonium IPA Peakstones Rock - Alton Abbey 4.5% Peakstones Rock - Chained Oak Peakstones Rock - Nemesis Peakstones Rock - Pugins Gold Peerless - Skyline 3.8% Peerless - Triple Blond 4.1% Pheonix - Navvy 3.8% Pheonix - Struggling Monkey 4.5% Pictish - Brewers Gold 3.8% Potbelly - A Limp Pig Gold 4.3% Potbelly - Beijing Black Potbelly - Best Potbelly - Dark Tusker 3.6% potbelly - hop trotter 4.1% Problem Child - Good Spanking Prospect - Gold Rush 4.5% Prospect - Nutty Slack Prospect - Whatever Purple Moose - Dark Side Of The Moose Purple moose - Elderflower ale Purple Moose - Glaslyn Purple Moose - Madog's Ale Purple Moose - Snowdonia Ale Ramsgate - Common Conspiracy 4.8% Ramsgate - Gadds No 5 Ramsgate - seasider 4.3% RCH - Hewish IPA 3.6% RCH - Hewish Mild RCH - PG steam 3.9% RCH - Pitchfork 4.3% Red Squirrel - Conservation Bitter Red Squirrel - Hop Fest Red Squirrel - RSX Red Willow - Feckless 4.1% Red Willow - Headless 3.9% Reedley Hallows - Filly Close 3.9% Revolutions - German Film Star Roosters - cogburn 4.3% Rudgate - Summer Solstice 4.0% Salamander - Golden Salamander Salamander - Her Majesty's pleasure 4.0% Salopian - Darwins Origin Salopian - Hop Twister 4.5% Salopian - Inquisition 4.2% Salopian - Shropshire Gold Salopian - Treasure Trove Salopian -oracle Saltaire - Raspberry Blonde Saltaire - Raspberry blonde 4.0% Saltaire - South Island IPA 3.5% Sherfield Village - Quintessential 2 4.5% Skinners - Royal Wave 4.4% Slaters - Bitter 3.6% Slaters - Diamond Jubilee 3.8% Slaters - Original Slaters - Top Totty Small World - Spikes gold St Austell - Trelawny 3.8% Steel City - Born to be riled Steel City Brewing - Draconian Times 5.2% Stringers - Plan B Summer Wine - Origin 3.9% Thornbridge - Black Harry Thornbridge - Brother Rabbit Thornbridge - Colorado Red Thornbridge - Jaipur Thornbridge - Kipling Thornbridge - Lumford Thornbridge - White Swan Thwaites - Crafty Devil 4.3% Thwaites - Lancaster Bomber Thwaites - Wainrights 4.1% Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3% Titanic - Anchor Titanic - Compass titanic - First Class Titanic - Iceberg Titanic - Lifeboat Titanic - Mild Titanic - night to remember 4.3% Titanic - Sundeck 4.3% Toolmaker - Apprentice Tring - Mansion Mild Tyne Bank - Monument 4.1% Vale - Best 3.7% Vale - Red Kite 4.0% Vale - Summer Glory 4.0% Vale - VPA 4.2% Vale - Wychert 3.9% wadworth - 6X 4.3% Wells - DNA Wells - Eagle IPA Wharfebank - Camfell Flame 4.4% Wharfebank - Tether Blonde 4.1% Wharfebank - VPA 3.6% White Horse - Bitter Wilson Potter - Don't Fall Wincle - Undertaker 4.5% Wincle - Wibbly Wallaby 4.4% Woodfordes - Once Bittern Woodfordes - Sundew Wychwood - Hobgoblin York - First Light York - Guzzler York - Legacy 4.0% York - Yorkshire Terrier Youngs - Bitter Youngs - Hummingbird Youngs - London Gold Youngs - Special Youngs - Winter Warmer

Coming up next

The following beers we hope to have available soon

Nene Valley - Simple Pleasures

Nene Valley - Simple Pleasures


abv: 3.6%

Pale & Refreshing

A light, clean and refreshing beer packed full of Cascade and Vic Secret hops.

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Ossett - Silver King

Ossett - Silver King


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Hoppy

This lager-style beer has a crisp, dry flavour and a fruity, citrus aroma

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Roosters - London Thunder

Roosters - London Thunder


abv: 4.2%

Black & Smooth

A classic approach to a style of beer first developed in Victorian London. Roasted malt and chocolate flavours are abound in London Thunder; a smooth, dark porter brewed using a blend of seven malts and English hops

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Rosters - YPA

Rosters - YPA


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Refreshing

A two-time gold medal winner at the prestigious World Beer Cup, YPA® (Yorkshire Pale Ale) is a pale, aromatic, summer ale that offers up delicate peachy and berry fruit flavours.

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Timothy Taylors - Landlord Dark

Timothy Taylors - Landlord Dark


abv: 4.3%

Black & Malty

Landlord Dark originates from the multi award-winning Landlord Pale Ale but brewed with caramelised sugars to give a rich yet light and drinkable dark ale.

This perfectly balanced mellow dark beer has body and depth. It has a fruity, toasted aroma with hints of chocolate, citrus and roasted malts on the tongue. A darker shade of pale

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Titanic - plum porter

Titanic - plum porter


abv: 4.9%

Black & Fruity

This beer is dark strong and well rounded; the richness of such a rotund beer is brought to an even keel by the late addition of Goldings hops and natural plum flavouring. Take the opportunity and go for the low hanging fruit, this sumptuous beer really is a plum!

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Woodfordes - Wherry

Woodfordes - Wherry


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Fruity

Maris otter; crystal malt; Golding's and Styrian Golding's hops. Fresh and zesty with crisp floral flavours. A background of sweet malt and a hoppy 'grapefruit' bitter finish


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Possible future beers

The following are beers we are looking to take in the future so keep an eye out.

St Austell - Tribute

St Austell - Tribute


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Hoppy

Fruity citrusy hoppy aroma with a light semi sweet fruity taste with a long finish with dryness and some bitterness coming through.


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Old ones we've had

The following beers are ones we have had but have no immediate plans to bring back just yet. Don't forget you can vote on all these beers and which will help us decide which ones to bring back

Abbeydale - Absolution

Abbeydale - Absolution


abv: 5.3%

Golden & Smooth

Mid-straw coloured beer with aromas of tropical fruit and mangoes. The beer is sweet all the way through, balanced by some bitterness at the finish. Flavours are fruity with toffee apples and bananas. A clean tasting beer, sweetish but not cloying. Characteristic hop aromas come from British hops, but this is not too floral. Hints of lychee as it goes down. Very drinkable.


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Abbeydale - Bah Humbug

Abbeydale - Bah Humbug


abv: 4.6%

Dark & Complex

A very complex malt and hop driven, premium bitter. Aromas of sweet dark chocolate and caramel mixed with burnt toffee from the dark malts. The beer has been brewed using Galaxy and Stella hops and has a flavour of cranberry and cherry whilst the remaining hops provide a well-rounded bitterness. A rich & creamy mouth feel for its abv


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Abbeydale - Ball Relief 4.0%

Abbeydale - Ball Relief 4.0%


Fruity, grassy flavours and a refreshing, medium bitter finish. A perfect beer for football followers and a pumpclip to amuse those who think it's all a bit too much!

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Abbeydale - Baulbals

Abbeydale - Baulbals


abv: 4.1%

Golden & Smooth

Golden beer with slight marmalade and fig flavours to the fore with biscuit and subtle caramel sweetness. Lots of hop character including grapefruit and a balanced, smooth finish


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Abbeydale - Bigamy 4.0%

Abbeydale - Bigamy 4.0%


A very pale straw-coloured beer with crisp, floral and spicy hop flavours complemented by a lingering bitter finish. Very refreshing. and easy drinking

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Abbeydale - Black Mass

Abbeydale - Black Mass


abv: 6.6%

Black & Nutty

Very dark ruby ale with a rich, creamy head. Aromas of dark chocolate, coffee and burnt toast. Full bodied and warming with strong flavours of bitter chocolate, fruitcake, raisins and hints of cherries. A lingering bitter finish


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Abbeydale - Brimstone

Abbeydale - Brimstone


abv: 3.9%

Brown & Complex

Russet brown beer made with Amarillo hops. It has aromas of malt loaf, marmalade and apricots with some burnt toast coming through from the dark malt. The flavours are of coffee, toffee and liquorice with underlying spices, especially cloves


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Abbeydale - Dark Side Of The Moonshine

Abbeydale - Dark Side Of The Moonshine


abv: 5.1%

Golden & Hoppy

Golden coloured but you'll still taste lemon and grapefruit on the palate. Brewed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Pink Floyd's seminal album.

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Abbeydale - Deception 4.1%

Abbeydale - Deception 4.1%


Aromas of elderflower and grapes. Strong citrus flavours, especially grapefruit. Long lasting bitter finish. Very refreshing and packed full of flavour.


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Abbeydale - Devotion

Abbeydale - Devotion


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Hoppy

A pale beer with floral aromas and distinctive lychee flavours. Lingering bitter finish. Very refreshing with crisp bitterness. A classic Abbeydale pale ale.

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Abbeydale - Essence Fumour 4.1%

Abbeydale - Essence Fumour 4.1%


Pale beer with Topaz hops from Australia giving berry fruit flavours and a refreshing bitter sweet finish.

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Abbeydale - Exodus

Abbeydale - Exodus


abv: 4.3%

Golden & Smooth

Golden coloured beer. Slight lingering bitterness on the palate. Well balanced with lemon, lime and tropical fruit hop character with a subtle malty aftertaste.

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Abbeydale - Facetube

Abbeydale - Facetube


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Hoppy

promising intense floral flavours with pine nuts and tropical fruits; of course it’s pale!

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Abbeydale - Larceny 4.2%

Abbeydale - Larceny 4.2%


Full-on citrus hop flavours, predominantly grapefruit, matched by a lingering bitter finish.

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Abbeydale - l'arg d'or 3.9%

Abbeydale - l'arg d'or 3.9%


Golden colour and biscuit flavour from the use of Vienna malt, while the addition of Brewer's Gold hops give fruity flavours with a hint of citrus.


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Abbeydale - Moonshine 4.3%

Abbeydale - Moonshine 4.3%


Distinctive floral aroma, leading to a predominantly citrus taste, with grapefruit and lemons to the fore. A quenching bitter finish.


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Abbeydale - Redemption 5.0%

Abbeydale - Redemption 5.0%


A red, golden, honey colored premium ale. Subtle lemon and a zingy bite from fresh root ginger whilst a noble, mellow hop character also stands out. Well balanced with the caramel underlying sweetness and good body. This beer uses hops from Germany, America and UK.

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Abbeydale - reindeer repellant

Abbeydale - reindeer repellant


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Refreshing

A pale beer made with low colour malt and a complex combination of European and New Zealand hops to give lots of flavour. Citrus fruit flavours are to the fore with hints of spiciness and grassiness. The beer is well balanced with a bitter finish. Very drinkable and no reindeers.


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Abbeydale - Restoration

Abbeydale - Restoration


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Refreshing

A pale beer with fresh lemon and grapefruit flavours.

Made from the Chinook hops. A long lasting bitter finish. Very refreshing.


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Abbeydale - Revelation 4.1%

Abbeydale - Revelation 4.1%


Pale & hoppy beer made with low colour malt and 100% Stella hops giving a full on tropical fruit character of apricot and melon. Very drinkable with a bitter finish

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Abbeydale - Slay Bells

Abbeydale - Slay Bells


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Bitter

Pale and made with a complex array of hops from around the world.Hop flavours dominate with spice, fruit and earthiness from the hops. The finish is sweet balanced with just enough bitterness to finish.


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Abbeydale - Tie Breaker 5.1%

Abbeydale - Tie Breaker 5.1%


Pale beer made with Maris Otter malt and a combination of American, Australian and New Zealand hops to give grassy aromas and wonderful grassy flavours with citrus notes, warming alcohol and a balanced bitter finish complete this lovely beer.


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Abbeydale - Winter

Abbeydale - Winter


abv: 5.2%

Pale & Smooth

A strong IPA made with 100% Maris Otter low colour malt and a combination of two New Zealand hops. Hop flavours predominate with summer fruits and earthy and grassy flavours. The finish is long-lasting and bitter, leaving an overall impression of crispness alongside warming alcohol


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Acorn - Barnsley Bitter

Acorn - Barnsley Bitter


abv: 3.8%

Amber & Bitter

Award winning Barnsley Bitter is brewed using the finest quality maris otter malt and English hops. Chestnut in colour, having a well rounded, rich flavour, it retains a lasting bitter finish

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Acorn - Bullion IPA 5.0%

Acorn - Bullion IPA 5.0%



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Acorn - Newport IPA 5.0%

Acorn - Newport IPA 5.0%



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Acorn - Yorkshire Pride 3.7%

Acorn - Yorkshire Pride 3.7%


Very pale session bitter, well hopped with Challenger and Savinjski Hops.


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Allgtates - Pretoria 3.9%

Allgtates - Pretoria 3.9%


It is a perfectly clean yellow gold ale with big assertive lemon sherbet hops; juicy but dry and bitter with just a pinch of sourness. There follows an excellent faint taste of pale malt in the finish to add a touch of balancing sweetness to all the bitter lemon.

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Arbor - Greenhorn Rising

Arbor - Greenhorn Rising


abv: 5.2%

Golden & Refreshing

Mid Atlantic pale ale with hoppy notes and tropical fruit aromas

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Arbor - Motueka

Arbor - Motueka


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Hoppy

A pale hoppy session beer brewed with one of our favourite hops, NZ Motueka. It has flavours and aromas of tropical fruit and sweet citrus with a delicate bitter finish

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Arbor - Oyster Stout

Arbor - Oyster Stout


abv: 4.6%

Dark & Complex

Our velvety smooth oatmeal stout, brewed with nine different grains and fresh oysters, with bittersweet notes of coffee, chocolate and roasted malts.

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Arbor- Triple Hop

Arbor- Triple Hop


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Hoppy

Our refreshing and easy drinking golden session beer, brewed with three carefully selected hop varieties,in this case: Chinook, Citra & Galaxy

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Art - Hip Hop Columbus 4.3%

Art - Hip Hop Columbus 4.3%


A clean, crisp single hopped golden ale. Take a journey into the fantastic variety of flavours different hops provide. These beers are designed to showcase the hip hop used and the hop is named to let you know which one you're experiencing

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Art - Nouveau 3.9%

Art - Nouveau 3.9%


If you like your hop content high, but your abv low, this golden session ale is ideal. We've packed it with four different hops to make this beer full of flavour despite being just 3.9%.

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Art Brew - Monkey IPA 6.4%

Art Brew - Monkey IPA 6.4%


A proper I.P.A. this golden ale weighs in at an impressive 6.4%, and is so stuffed with hops, it will make your tongue tingle. This beer is dangerously drinkable


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Arundel - ASB 4.5%

Arundel - ASB 4.5%


A special bitter with a complex roast malt flavour leading to a fruity, hoppy, bittersweet finish


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Ascot - On the rails 3.8%

Ascot - On the rails 3.8%


Dark, fruity and roasty mild with a faint hop character throughout, but balanced by malt. Dry with a lasting bitter finish


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Aylesbury - Magnetic North 3.8%

Aylesbury - Magnetic North 3.8%



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Batemans - XB

Batemans - XB


abv: 3.7%

Amber & Malty

Classic amber, English pale ale crafted by the fusion of luscious English Golding and Challenger hops with crisp Lincolnshire pale and chocolate malts, slowly matured to create a grainy quaffable beer.

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Bath - Gem

Bath - Gem


abv: 4.1%

Amber & Fruity

With its rich aroma of hops and malt, and a long, deep, bittersweet finish, we've carefully crafted Gem into an exceptional best bitter.

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Bath - Golden Hare

Bath - Golden Hare


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Fruity

We’ve given Golden Hare a smooth-yet-dry, wonderfully fresh and delightfully zesty taste, and have made it a superb seasonal ale for the spring.

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Bath - Special Pale Ale

Bath - Special Pale Ale


abv: 3.7%

Pale & Refreshing

With a wonderful golden colour and prominent citrus aroma, we’ve ensured that S.P.A. is nicely light and crisp, and is dry without being harsh.

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Beer Geek - Geek Unique

Beer Geek - Geek Unique


abv: 3.8%

Dark & Fruity

This slightly dark bitter has sweet malty flavours creating a fruity bold aftertaste. This geek stands out from the crowd.


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Black Sheep - Best Bitter

Black Sheep - Best Bitter


abv: 3.8%

Amber & Bitter

A well hopped, light golden session bitter with a distinctive, dry, refreshing taste enjoyed through a rich creamy head. Brewed in traditional cast iron and copper vessels using the finest ingredients.


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Black Sheep - Black Sheep Ale

Black Sheep - Black Sheep Ale


abv: 4.4%

Amber & Fruity

Black Sheep Ale is a powerfully flavoured pint that packs a punch with rich fruit aromas  and a distinctively smooth, bittersweet taste.

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Black Sheep - Golden Sheep

Black Sheep - Golden Sheep


abv: 3.9%

Golden & Refreshing

a beautifully balanced, light cask ale that’s perfect for summer drinking. Gloriously refreshing

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Blue Monkey - 99 Red Boboons

Blue Monkey - 99 Red Boboons


abv: 4.2%

Ruby & Malty

An unusual combination of fruity hoppyness with a dark, malty side. This beer is distinctly difficult to categorise – is it sort of a porter or maybe a mild? You decide!

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Blue Monkey - BG Sips

Blue Monkey - BG Sips


abv: 4.0%

Pale & Hoppy

A pale and intensely hoppy beer. Enticing tropical fruit aromas, finished with a good level of thirst quenching, almost peppery bitterness.

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Blue Monkey - Guerrilla

Blue Monkey - Guerrilla


abv: 4.9%

Black & Spicey

A hearty 4.9% beer full of malty complexity balanced by a robust bitter bite.


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Blue Monkey - Marmoset

Blue Monkey - Marmoset


abv: 3.6%

Pale & Hoppy

A pale and hoppy session beer brewed with Magnum and Citra hops

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Blue Monkey - Sanctuary

Blue Monkey - Sanctuary


abv: 4.1%

Amber & Spicey

A traditional light copper ale with a hoppy twist. Session beer spiced up with a generous combination of German and USA hops

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Blue Monkey - Tie A Yellow Gibbon

Blue Monkey - Tie A Yellow Gibbon


abv: 4.3%

Golden & Fruity

Fruity golden ale brewed with a classic combination of centennial and cascade hops.

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Boggart - Rum Porter

Boggart - Rum Porter


abv: 4.6%

Dark & Complex

A classic porter with a smooth roast finish, sweet spicy hop taste, complemented with a hint of dark rum.


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Bowland - Gold 3.8%

Bowland - Gold 3.8%


A hoppy golden bitter with intense grapefruit flavours


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Bowman - Quiver 4.5%

Bowman - Quiver 4.5%


A golden best bitter with a strong hoppy aroma leading through a bittersweet taste to a refreshing, hoppy finish


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Bradfield - Farmers Bitter

Bradfield - Farmers Bitter


abv: 3.9%

Amber & Malty

A traditional copper coloured malt ale using the finest English hops to produce both a floral and smooth aroma but still having a sharp finish


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Brass Castle - Bad Kitty

Brass Castle - Bad Kitty


abv: 5.5%

Black & Complex

A chewy chocolate-vanilla dream of a porter


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Brass Castle - Cliffhanger

Brass Castle - Cliffhanger


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Hoppy

A refreshing hop-laden golden ale


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Brass Castle - Hazelnut Mild

Brass Castle - Hazelnut Mild


abv: 4.2%

Dark & Nutty

A luscious 5 malt nut brown mild with a delicate hazelnut aroma


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Brecon - Jazzy Beacons

Brecon - Jazzy Beacons


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Malty

A malty golden ale with a discerning floral hop flavour


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Brewsters - Andromeda

Brewsters - Andromeda


abv: 4.8%

Pale & Hoppy

With celestial hops Stellar & Galaxy; Andromeda was a heavenly name for his brew.

In Greek mythology Andromeda was chained to a rock to be eaten by a sea monster as punishment for her mother's bragging. She was rescued by Perseus who became her husband.

Andromeda has a rich golden colour, with a passion, tropical fruit aroma on the nose. The taste is lightly malty overlaid with zesty citrus hop notes giving a satisfying fullness on the palate.


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Brewsters - Aromantica

Brewsters - Aromantica


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Hoppy

A touch of roast malt for a light amber brew with a slightly sweet nutty flavour. Citra hops to the fore give tropical hop notes and aromas of lime and passion fruit with a refreshingly long aromatic finish

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Brewsters - Cracroft Stoker

Brewsters - Cracroft Stoker


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Hoppy

no tasting available

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Brewsters - El Citra El Citra

Brewsters - El Citra El Citra


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Refreshing

A golden brew with hints of roast malt and a real flavoursome hop palate with guess what Citra plus a little Centennial to give rich zesty and passion fruit and lime flavours.

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Brewsters - Hop A Doodle Doo 4.3%

Brewsters - Hop A Doodle Doo 4.3%


A copper coloured ale, brewed with four malts and three hops. It has a full bodied feel and a delicious fruity hop character.


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Brewsters - Hophead 3.6%

Brewsters - Hophead 3.6%



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Brewsters - Hopticale Illusion

Brewsters - Hopticale Illusion


abv: 4.0%

Ruby & Fruity

A deep red beer with big hop flavour from a blend of US and Australian late hops, balanced with roast malts to give a flavoursome session brew

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Brewsters - Marquis

Brewsters - Marquis


abv: 3.8%

Amber & Malty

A classic English session beer. A rich tawny colour, it has a light juicy maltiness perfectly balanced by a delicate hoppy finish. 


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Brewster's - roll in the hay 4.0%

Brewster's - roll in the hay 4.0%


A pale, crisp summer ale, brewed with cascade hops to give a refreshing bitter finish


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Brewsters - Up And At 'Em 4.0%

Brewsters - Up And At 'Em 4.0%


A golden blonde beer with tropical a zesty fruit aromas and flavours balanced by a light touch of gently roasted malt

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Brodies - Bethnal Green

Brodies - Bethnal Green


abv: 4.0%

Brown & Hoppy

Maris Otter and Crystal malt in the mash tun. Target, Challenger and Goldings in the copper . The quintessential English bitter.

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Brodies - Citra

Brodies - Citra


abv: ask%

Pale & Hoppy

A super low ABV multi award winnig hop monster!

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Brodies - Kiwi

Brodies - Kiwi


abv: 3.9%

Pale & Bitter

Galaxy Hops from Australia, blended with NZ Nelson and Motueka provide an extreme passion fruit aroma. One of the hoppiest we've ever made.

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Brodies - London Fields 4.0%

Brodies - London Fields 4.0%


abv: 4.0%

Pale & Bitter

The lightest of English malts and a absolutely massive helping of English Pioneer Hops. Lemon sherbet in a glass!

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Brodies - Old Street Pale 5.0%

Brodies - Old Street Pale 5.0%


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Brodies - Shoreditch Sunshine 3.8%

Brodies - Shoreditch Sunshine 3.8%


Galaxy Hops from Australia provide an extreme passion fruit aroma

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Brodies - Stepney Green Steam 4.5%

Brodies - Stepney Green Steam 4.5%


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Buntingford - Highwayman

Buntingford - Highwayman


abv: 3.6%

Amber & Malty

A balanced malty-bitterness with hints of toffee and a slightly fruity bitter-sweet aftertaste. Brewed with Maris Otter pale, crystal & wheat malts, and Fuggles, Phoenix & First Gold hops


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Buntingford - oatmeal stout

Buntingford - oatmeal stout


abv: 4.4%

Black & Malty

Brewed in the style of a traditional English stout - plenty of oats for softness, and not too much roasted flavour.


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Bushys - ruby mild 3.5%

Bushys - ruby mild 3.5%


An authentic 100% malt brewed mild with a fine aroma of crystal malt and fuggles and challenger hops. Deep red in colour, the flavour is well balanced creating a popular session beer.


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Butcombe - Bitter

Butcombe - Bitter


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Bitter

Bitter, clean tasting, refreshingly dry and distinctive. Butcombe Bitter is a moreish Mendip masterpiece!


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Butcombe - Crimson King

Butcombe - Crimson King


abv: 4.3%

Ruby & Fruity

A big red beer using Rye malt to give distinctive, refreshing, spicy dry flavours. Three UK hops plus Styrians for aroma, combine to make a red beer bursting with hop character, and a fresh, fruity aroma.


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butcombe - Matthew

butcombe - Matthew


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Refreshing

brewed using local Mendip spring water and unbeatable, English, Maris Otter Malt. The beer is grounded in the versatile English Challenger hop but is given its distinctive floral taste by the American Amarillo hops added at the end of the brewing process. The beer has fresh citrus notes and a clean, dry finish. Tantalizingly fresh!

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Cairngorm - Sheepshaggers gold

Cairngorm - Sheepshaggers gold


abv: 4.5%

Golden & Smooth

An exceptional continental style beer with good body and refreshing aftertaste


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Cairngorm - trade winds 4.3%

Cairngorm - trade winds 4.3%


Light golden in colour with a high proportion of wheat giving the beer a clean fresh taste. The mash blends together with the Perle hops and elderflower, providing a bouquet of fruit and citrus flavours.


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Castle Rock - Black Gold

Castle Rock - Black Gold


abv: 3.8%

Black & Malty

A well balanced dark mild ale with some bitterness, full bodied, but not overly sweet. An award winning mild that delivers a light fresh taste to one of the more traditional of beer styles.


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Castle Rock - Diamond Reign 4.1%

Castle Rock - Diamond Reign 4.1%


a bittersweet deep golden ale, possessing a lovely floral aroma and a clean, crisp aftertaste. Of course, in the manner of embracing Britishness it will be brewed using aromatic hops, and malt from around the Commonwealth to a sessionable 4.1% A.B.V. Perfect for the Spring and months that follow!

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Castle Rock - Harvest Pale 3.8%

Castle Rock - Harvest Pale 3.8%


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Bitter

Described by esteemed beer writer Roger Protz as… "The finest blond beer I've drunk in many a year”, Harvest Pale is brewed with a gently-kilned malt, and an aromatic blend of American hops added during the brewing process gives this 3.8% alc pale beer exceptional poise.  Its distinct hop flavour leads to a crisp finish.  Harvest Pale has firmly established itself as Castle Rock's Flagship Beer.  SIBA National Champion Bitter 2004, Champion Bitter of Britain 2007 and Champion Beer of Britain 2010.


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Castle Rock - Preservation

Castle Rock - Preservation


abv: 4.4%

Brown & Fruity

Brewed to the traditional East Midlands style. Mid-brown / reddish easy drinking full flavoured best bitter is well rounded with some residual sweetness which is balanced with a resinous hop character. A hugely popular beer that deserves to be savoured!


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Castle Rock - Screech Owl

Castle Rock - Screech Owl


abv: 5.5%

Pale & Hoppy

Bright & clear with a modest head. Fresh, fruity aroma. Clean flowery hops. Good firm mouthfeel with a sharp, hoppy bite.


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City of Cambridge - Hobson's Choice 4.1%

City of Cambridge - Hobson's Choice 4.1%


This golden ale has a predominantly spicy hop aroma. Bittersweet on the palate with plenty of hops leading through to a dry, hoppy finish


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Colchester - Diesel

Colchester - Diesel


abv: 3.6%

Amber & Fruity

Fuggles and Golding’s are blended traditionally for freshness and finish. Aroma is caramel and fruitiness and the flavour is similar with a mid-bitter finish.


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Colchester - Metropolis

Colchester - Metropolis


abv: 3.9%

Golden & Refreshing

A superb golden hoppy beer, with enormous depth of flavour and a long spicy finish.

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Colchester - No 1

Colchester - No 1


abv: 4.1%

Amber & Fruity

A classic english best bitter, copper in colour. Whole leaf Boadicea hops for flavour and the definitive aroma of East Kent Goldings.


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Connoisseur - Lucem

Connoisseur - Lucem


abv: 4.3%

Pale & Hoppy

brand new brewery, no tasting notes available


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Cotleigh - Buzzard 4.8%

Cotleigh - Buzzard 4.8%


A traditional dark ale, deep copper red in colour. The chocolate malt gives a dry, nutty flavour with hints of amarone biscuit. The finish in the mouth is dry with a smokey but smooth finish


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Cotswold - Stunner 4.0%

Cotswold - Stunner 4.0%


straw like in colour this excellent ale has an initial dryness on the palate, mouth-filling malt and fruit, and a long sweet finish

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Cotswold Spring - Ambler 3.8%

Cotswold Spring - Ambler 3.8%


Agreeably smooth and light, with a hoppy finish to savour

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Cotswold Spring - OSM 3.9%

Cotswold Spring - OSM 3.9%


Complex 7 grain mild. Initially dry with a bitter sweetness. Chocolatey notes and a long finish. Old Sodbury Mild is the Supreme Champion at the SIBA 2011 National Beer Competition

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Courage - Best Bitter 4.0%

Courage - Best Bitter 4.0%


abv: 4.0%

Brown & Malty

Fabulous hazelnut colour, sweet fruit aroma and traditional hop character


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Courage - Directors

Courage - Directors


abv: 4.8%

Dark & Fruity

A rich and full bodied chestnut coloured classic ale with a balance of toasted malt and pine hop aroma


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Crouch Vale - Brewers Gold 4.0%

Crouch Vale - Brewers Gold 4.0%


A pale golden ale with striking citrus notes. Sweet fruit and bitter hops are well matched throughout


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Crouch Vale - Essexs Boys Bitter

Crouch Vale - Essexs Boys Bitter



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Crouch Vale - Summer Breeze 4.2%

Crouch Vale - Summer Breeze 4.2%


Featuring classic Challenger hop character and best quality Maris Otter barley


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Crouch Vale - Yakima Gold 4.2%

Crouch Vale - Yakima Gold 4.2%


 Very pale with delicious Amarillo hops, therefore earthily aromatic and highly drinkable. Yakima Valley is the area of Washington State in which the hops are grown


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Cwrw Llyn - Limestone Cowboy

Cwrw Llyn - Limestone Cowboy


abv: 4.3%

Amber & Bitter

No tasting notes available


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Dancing Duck - Dark Drake 4.5%

Dancing Duck - Dark Drake 4.5%


Delicious malty, caramel and liquorice flavours combine wonderfully in a velvety smooth drinking stout with a freshly roasted coffee and toffee finish

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Dancing Duck - Nice Weather For Ducks 4.1%

Dancing Duck - Nice Weather For Ducks 4.1%


A copper coloured, fruity, summer ale packed full of flavour. 

Blackberry, strawberry and floral rose notes in perfect balance with just the right amount of malt character

A refreshing summer thirst quencher,

It's fruit salad in a glass

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Dark Star - American Pale Ale 4.7%

Dark Star - American Pale Ale 4.7%


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Dark Star - Carafa Jade

Dark Star - Carafa Jade


abv: 5.0%

Ruby & Fruity

Far from being jade coloured, this beer celebrates the beauty of the German Carafa barley malt that gives it a warm bronze colour without making it heavy or sweet. The clear palate is ideal to enjoy the full spiciness from the versatile New Zealand, Pacific Jade hops.

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Dark Star - Darkness

Dark Star - Darkness


abv: 3.5%

Black & Smooth

This is a low gravity beer with a big heart. A range of dark malts bring classic roasted flavours along with a hint of sweetness through the natural complex sugars. Warrior bittering hops are used, along with a blend of the finest aroma hops to add fruit and spicy flavours that are the perfect balance, making this a very drinkable ale.

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Dark Star - Expresso

Dark Star - Expresso


abv: 4.2%

Black & Complex

A superior coffee beer brewed with freshly ground coffee


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Dark Star - Hophead

Dark Star - Hophead


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Hoppy

An extremely clean-drinking pale golden ale with a strong floral aroma and elderflower notes from the Cascade hops. This beer is full-bodied and full-flavoured yet gentle enough to make it a favourite session beer

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Dark Star - Partridge

Dark Star - Partridge


abv: 4.0%

Brown & Malty

A Best Bitter brewed in a traditional Sussex style using Maris Otter, Crystal and Chocolate malts with East Kent Golding hops. Typical of Dark Star ales, the Best Bitter relies on the heavy handed addition of aromatic hops late in the boil.


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Dark Star - Revelation

Dark Star - Revelation


abv: 5.7%

Golden & Smooth

A blend of Centennial, Liberty, Cascade, and Citra aroma hops by the sack full – then dry hopped during conditioning


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Dark Star - Summer Meltdown 4.8%

Dark Star - Summer Meltdown 4.8%


Well-balanced, golden bitter with the warm flavour of Chinese stem ginger and other spices. The perfect thirst quencher for a summer’s evening.

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Dark Star - Summer Solstice 4.2%

Dark Star - Summer Solstice 4.2%


Brewed with 100% pale ale malt to produce a very clean taste and a bright golden colour. This beer is bursting with summer flavours from a large dose of Crystal hops & freshly ground coriander which is added at the end of the boil.

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Dark Star - Sunburst

Dark Star - Sunburst


abv: 4.8%

Golden & Hoppy

A hint of initial sweetness adds to the fruitiness and grapefruit tang of this summer ale without detracting from its clean flavour and rich hop aroma.

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Dark Star - Winter Solstice

Dark Star - Winter Solstice


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Bitter

special edition pale ale


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Deeply Vale - Citra storm

Deeply Vale - Citra storm


abv: 4.0%

Pale & Hoppy

Pale and hoppy


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Deeply Vale - Still Walking

Deeply Vale - Still Walking


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Refreshing

hoppy session ale, A light well balanced, easy drinking session ale with a fruity aroma and velvety smooth feel


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Derby - Back To Black

Derby - Back To Black


abv: 4.4%

Black & Malty

Smooth and rich with multi malt combinations including Munich mild malt


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Derby - Pennys Porter

Derby - Pennys Porter


abv: 4.6%

Black & Complex

A rich very dark robust brew with a fine hop balance.

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Derby - Pennys Porter

Derby - Pennys Porter


abv: 4.6%

Black & Complex

A rich very dark robust brew with a fine hop balance.

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Derby - Triple Hop

Derby - Triple Hop


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Hoppy

A classic flavoursome pale, with Goldings, Challenger and Northdown hops.

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derventio - Boudicca 4.3%

derventio - Boudicca 4.3%


pale and caramalt give this beer a sweet base and a deep golden colour. Citra hops compliment the cascade hops giving a zesty finish.

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Eden - Experiment 103

Eden - Experiment 103


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Hoppy

single malt, single hop


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Elgoods - Black Dog Mild 3.6%

Elgoods - Black Dog Mild 3.6%


abv: 3.6%

Black & Malty

An award-winning cask conditioned traditional dark mild.  Well balanced malt and hops gives a pleasant aroma and taste, with splendid roasted bitter flavours

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Elgoods - Cambridge Bitter

Elgoods - Cambridge Bitter


abv: 3.8%

Brown & Malty

A mild brown bitter with a good balance of malt and hop character. A malty, fruity aroma, a satisfying flavour and bitter finish give a pleasing session bitter

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Elgoods - Golden Newt 4.1%

Elgoods - Golden Newt 4.1%


Pale in colour with prominent hoppy palate and full flavoured finish, Golden Newt is a pale session bitter of 4.1% ABV.


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Elgoods - Pug Of War

Elgoods - Pug Of War


abv: 3.7%

Amber & Malty

Classic English bitter


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Elland - Northern Sky 4.2%

Elland - Northern Sky 4.2%


This is the ideal "summer suppin’ bitter” it is a very pale golden bitter featuring Simcoe hops. It has a full citrus flavour and a long hoppy finish


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Elland - Progression

Elland - Progression


abv: 3.7%

Pale & Refreshing

A refreshing session ale, straw coloured with sweet fruit aroma with a dry finish from the Progress hops


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Empire - A Hop Odyseey 4.3%

Empire - A Hop Odyseey 4.3%


a single hopped beer


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Empire - Red King 5.0%

Empire - Red King 5.0%


Deep mahogany brown beer with a strong fruity character. Hints of blackcurrant and a smooth well rounded finish


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Everards - Beacon Bitter 3.8%

Everards - Beacon Bitter 3.8%


Its hoppiness is what makes Beacon stand out. You will find a dry finish and wish for more!


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Everards - Elixir

Everards - Elixir


abv: 3.9%

Golden & Refreshing

The legendary ’Elixir of life’ is renowned but have you tried the new beer ’Elixir’ from Everards Brewery? Elixir offers a delightful wealth of aromas with a pleasant lingering bitter taste, making Elixir the perfect session ale to enjoy anytime.


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Everards - Tiger

Everards - Tiger


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Fruity

A true award winning best bitter with universal appeal. Tiger Best Bitter is a classic example of getting the perfect balance between sweetness and bitterness. Crystal malt gives the beer its rounded toffee character. Tiger is the Official Beer of the Leicester Tigers.

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Everards - Tighthead

Everards - Tighthead


abv: 3.9%

Amber & Fruity

Tighthead is a rich rosewood ale brewed with a blend of Challenger, Saaz and Cascade hops. This winter warmer offers a blend of complementing fruit and delicate roasted caramel flavours, with a comforting spicy, chocolate aroma and sweet finish.


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Franklin's - EXP 4.2%

Franklin's - EXP 4.2%


A crisp bitter, rich in flowery aroma with a dry finish and balanced malty sweetness and bitterness


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Full Mash - ESP

Full Mash - ESP


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Refreshing

a light pale ale with delicate aromas and flavours
that combine a citrus and fruity character in a delicious session ale.


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Full Mash - Red Dog 3.8%

Full Mash - Red Dog 3.8%



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Full Mash - Seance

Full Mash - Seance


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Complex

Fragrant aromas precede this crisp blonde ale as it develops into a wonderful smooth zesty finish. This beer is a 4 time award winner.


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Full Mash - Whistlin' Dixie 3.9%

Full Mash - Whistlin' Dixie 3.9%



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Geeves - Gunwale Dance 4.2%

Geeves - Gunwale Dance 4.2%


A pale ale with a dry citrusy bitterness coupled by a zingy aftertaste and aroma.

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Goose eye - Barm pot 3.8%

Goose eye - Barm pot 3.8%


The bitter hop and citrus flavours that dominate this amber session bitter are balanced by a malty base. The finish is increasingly dry and bitter


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Goose Eye - Bitter

Goose Eye - Bitter


abv: 3.9%

Brown & Bitter

A more traditional bitter with chestnut colours, great session beer with a good punch of flavours


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Goosnargh- Truckle

Goosnargh- Truckle


abv: 3.7%

Ruby & Fruity

A dark malty beer with a distinct fruit flavour


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Grafton - Bullion Bitter

Grafton - Bullion Bitter


abv: 4.8%

Golden & Fruity

Made with the English Beata hops, this gives this beer it's unique apricot, honey and almond flavours which then finishes with a pleasant bitterness on the palate


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Great Yorkshire - Classic 4.0%

Great Yorkshire - Classic 4.0%


A champion beer, light chestnut in colour with a deliciously smooth malty taste and balanced with complex biscuity flavours.


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Green field - Black Five 4.0%

Green field - Black Five 4.0%


A dark brown beer in which malt, roast, toffee, fruit and chocolate can all be found in aroma and taste. Smooth, malty aftertaste


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Green Jack - Excelsior 3.7%

Green Jack - Excelsior 3.7%


Excelsior is brewed to be thirst quenching with fruity hop character, balanced malt and superb aroma. The beer celebrates Lowestoft built (1921) sailing smack Excelsior and aims to help in raising funds and awareness for the Excelsior Trust to keep her sailing

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Green Jack - Lurcher 4.8%

Green Jack - Lurcher 4.8%


The Lurcher Stout Fruity, chocolaty, rich and fulsome, well-balanced with hops, yet So Smooth. Proving to be a real winner, if you like stout you will love Lurcher.

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Green Jack - Peach Wheat Beer

Green Jack - Peach Wheat Beer


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Fruity

A refreshing peach wheat beer brewed by green jack for Oakham ales

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Green Jack - Trawlerboys

Green Jack - Trawlerboys


abv: 4.6%

Golden & Fruity

a Full-bodied and a copper-coloured premium bitter brewed with English whole cone hops,rich and malty with fruity hop flavours.

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Hadrian Border - Trawlermans Reward

Hadrian Border - Trawlermans Reward


abv: 4.3%

Amber & Fruity

A light amber-coloured pale ale, well hopped and as fresh as the sea breeze.


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Happy Valley - Lazy Daze 4.2%

Happy Valley - Lazy Daze 4.2%



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Hawkshead - Red 4.2%

Hawkshead - Red 4.2%


A Red Ale. Bitter-sweet. First comes the sweetness of the Dark Crystal malt, which gives it the red colour, and then the long dry finish. A beer for those who like their ale to have some colour and taste of malt.

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Highland - Dark Munro

Highland - Dark Munro


abv: 4.0%

Dark & Complex

A fantastic darker ale which has a changing drinking profile. At all stages of its development in cask it should appeal to all who appreciate a perfectly balanced beer


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Hopback - Cherry Diamond 4.2%

Hopback - Cherry Diamond 4.2%


A bittersweet blush coloured bitter with natural dark cherry flavours, balanced with zesty hops. A real thirst pleaser

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Hopping Mad - Balmy Days 3.9%

Hopping Mad - Balmy Days 3.9%



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Hopping Mad - Black Jack 4.0%

Hopping Mad - Black Jack 4.0%


Hoppy irish stout

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Hopping Mad - Brainstorm 4.3%

Hopping Mad - Brainstorm 4.3%


A full bodied yet crisp traditional best bitter with a hoppy finish

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Hopping Mad - Fruitcase 4.5%

Hopping Mad - Fruitcase 4.5%



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Hopping Mad - Hopnotch 3.7%

Hopping Mad - Hopnotch 3.7%


A malty amber ale with spicy and fruity hop finish

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Hopping Mad - Hoppiness 3.7%

Hopping Mad - Hoppiness 3.7%


tasty traditionally hopped fine English ale, its dry finish with a spicy finish leaves you wanting more


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Hopping Mad - Hops Gold 4.0%

Hopping Mad - Hops Gold 4.0%


A beer brewed with fresh green hops


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Hopping Mad - Liberty 5.0%

Hopping Mad - Liberty 5.0%



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Ilkley - Black

Ilkley - Black


abv: 3.7%

Black & Malty

The blend of 5 malts used in the mash give a smooth, mellow easy to drink malt flavour with a hint of liquorices in the finish.


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Ilkley - Joshua Jane

Ilkley - Joshua Jane


abv: 3.7%

Brown & Fruity

Rich nut-brown Yorkshire ale. Everything that is great about traditional Yorkshire bitter, fused with Ilkley Brewery’s unique hop character.


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Ilkley - Mary Jane

Ilkley - Mary Jane


abv: 3.5%

Pale & Refreshing

Made with high quantities of Amarillo hops, this pale crisp beer has refreshing citrus aromas and flavours.


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Island - Wight Gold 4.0%

Island - Wight Gold 4.0%


Crystal malt - golden brown, with rounded malt and hops throughout, and that characteristic afterbite of a true craft brew that makes a favourite.

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Isle Of Purbeck - Best Bitter

Isle Of Purbeck - Best Bitter


abv: 3.6%

Brown & Fruity

A dark amber traditional best bitter with an earthy finish.


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Isle Of Purbeck - Force Four

Isle Of Purbeck - Force Four


abv: 4.0%

Pale & Hoppy

a wonderfully crisp and hoppy blonde beer. The careful addition of wheat provides a wonderful lacing to the glass. Pale straw in colour, this beer has a wonderful hop aroma and a lingering crisp dry finish.


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Isle of Purbeck - Fossil Fuel

Isle of Purbeck - Fossil Fuel


abv: 4.1%

Amber & Bitter

A best bitter with a fresh malt and peppery hop aroma. Balanced malt and hop presence leads to a clean, dry finish


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Jarrow - Benedict Biscop 4.8%

Jarrow - Benedict Biscop 4.8%


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Jarrow - Bitter 3.8%

Jarrow - Bitter 3.8%


A classic session ale. A light golden bitter with a delicate hop aroma and a lingering fruity finish - easy drinking

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Jarrow - Jobblings Swinging Gibbet 4.1%

Jarrow - Jobblings Swinging Gibbet 4.1%


 A copper coloured, evenly balanced beer, with a good hop aroma and a fruity finish.

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Jarrow - Rivet Catcher 4.0%

Jarrow - Rivet Catcher 4.0%


A light, smooth, satisfying gold bitter. Subtle fruity hops give the taste profile on tongue and nose.

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Kite - Bluestone Bitter

Kite - Bluestone Bitter


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Nutty

Tawny colour with a citrus and nutty aroma. The flavour is nutty malty with some fruit notes


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Late Knights - Worm Catcher

Late Knights - Worm Catcher


abv: 5.0%

Golden & Hoppy

A double-hopped IPA. Very hoppy, courtesy of Columbus, Cascade and Cluster hops.


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Leeds - gathering storm 4.4%

Leeds - gathering storm 4.4%


A traditional stout. A combination of dark roasted malts and subtle hops give this robust stout a rich finish.


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Leeds - pale 3.8%

Leeds - pale 3.8%


Well balanced light ale, citrus in both aroma and flavour. Gold in colour with a refreshing bitter, hoppy finish


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Lodden - In Yer Face IPA 6.0%

Lodden - In Yer Face IPA 6.0%


 a huge mouth full of toasted malt, fruit and spice, with a real kick!


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Long Man - Long Blonde 3.8%

Long Man - Long Blonde 3.8%


A light coloured golden Ale with a distinctive hoppy aroma and crisp clean bitterness on the finish. Smooth light and refreshing.


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Mallinsons - Arrow 4.4%

Mallinsons - Arrow 4.4%


Pale gold with a hoppy aroma, a bitter citrus hop taste and a long citrus finish

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Mars tons - Sweet Chariot

Mars tons - Sweet Chariot


abv: 4.8%

Amber & Fruity

A full and fruity flavoured beer, with a spicy aroma and the sweet taste.


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Marston's - Pedigree

Marston's - Pedigree


abv: 4.5%

Brown & Malty

Smell of sweet malt, hops and some light fruity peach. Taste of sweet caramel malt on the start and a soft bitter hop finish


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Mauldons - Dickens 4.0%

Mauldons - Dickens 4.0%


A light coloured bitter with a fine distinctive hop nose.  It delivers a refreshingly dry fruity finish.


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Mauldons - Mole trap 3.8%

Mauldons - Mole trap 3.8%


A well balanced session beer with a crisp hoppy bitterness, with a late malty flavour coming through in the finish


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Mauldons - silver adder 4.2%

Mauldons - silver adder 4.2%


A light coloured bitter with fine malt and hop combinations giving a fine crisp finish


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McEwans - IPA

McEwans - IPA


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Malty

full bodied and fruity ale


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Moncada - Notting Hill Amber

Moncada - Notting Hill Amber


abv: 4.7%

Amber & Malty

A full-bodied creamy amber coloured beer with the citrus aroma and flavour well balanced by the sweet slightly toffee maltiness and a bitter dryness that lingers. There is a little flowery hop throughout. Its drinkability belies its strength


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Monty's - Midnight

Monty's - Midnight


abv: 4.0%

Dark & Complex

A dark smooth stout

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Monty's - Old Jailhouse

Monty's - Old Jailhouse


abv: 3.9%

Brown & Malty

A chestnut coloured malty ale

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Monty's - Sunshine

Monty's - Sunshine


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Hoppy

A multi award winning golden, hoppy, floral ale.
With numerous awards, from 2 Star Great Taste , True Taste, SIBA and CAMRA.

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Mordue - Five Bridges 3.8%

Mordue - Five Bridges 3.8%


A fruity amber beer with more than a hint of hops. The bitterness carries on in the aftertaste. A superb session beer.


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Naylors - IPA 4.2%

Naylors - IPA 4.2%



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Netergate - Priory Mild

Netergate - Priory Mild


abv: 3.5%

Black & Malty

A traditional dark mild


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Nethergate - Azzaparrot 4.2%

Nethergate - Azzaparrot 4.2%


Orange and some bitter citric hop aromas. Lovely grapefruit sweetness and tangerine with a moderately lasting grassy, citric bitterness


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Nethergate - Growler Bitter

Nethergate - Growler Bitter


abv: 3.9%

Amber & Malty

Amber session bitter


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Nethergate - Hound Dog

Nethergate - Hound Dog


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Refreshing

A refreshing golden ale


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Nethergate - Lemonhead 4.0%

Nethergate - Lemonhead 4.0%


Deep golden colour, aroma is lemongrass, zest, some hints of herbs and mild spices. Flavour is fruits, floral notes as well as some earthy and toasted notes.


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Nethergate - Umbel Ale 3.8%

Nethergate - Umbel Ale 3.8%


The English coriander beer, freshly toasted coriander seeds are added to the grist and the later stages of the boil, resulting in a festival of flavour and aroma. A real thirst quencher perfect for any occasion, particularly with a good curry.


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Nethergate - Umbel Magna 5.0%

Nethergate - Umbel Magna 5.0%


The addition of coriander to the Old Growler wort completes the original 1750’s recipe. Spiciness only adds  to this porter’s appeal. Step back in time and taste the spiciness of this deep ruby beer


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Nobbys - Santa's Secret

Nobbys - Santa's Secret


abv: 4.7%

Dark & Spicey

A dark ale with hints of Christmas pudding spice and warming seasonal cheer.


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oak hams - Car Theif

oak hams - Car Theif


abv: 3.6%

Black & Complex

a spicy and complex black ale

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oakams - scarlet macaw

oakams - scarlet macaw


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Complex

Tart gooseberry and soft peach on the nose, gooseberries and fruit to taste, before an intense bitterness that's as sharp as a macaws screech!

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oakham - Asylum

oakham - Asylum


abv: 4.5%

Golden & Hoppy

premium amber bitter with insane hop aroma and character, grapefruit and berries to taste before you're certified to a bitter end


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Oakham - Attila 7.5%

Oakham - Attila 7.5%


Fruit notes and elderflower on aroma. Taste of ripe red berries and citrus fruit with a long bitter fruity finish


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Oakham - Bishops Farewell

Oakham - Bishops Farewell


abv: 4.6%

Pale & Hoppy

A strong golden premium bitter of structured quality. Aroma and taste are dominated by elaborate fruity hop notes with a grainy background and a dry bitter finish

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Oakham - Carioca 5.2%

Oakham - Carioca 5.2%



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Oakham - Citra 4.2%

Oakham - Citra 4.2%


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Bitter

A light refreshing beer with pungent grapefruit, lychee and gooseberry aromas leading to a dry, bitter finish. 

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Oakham - Green Devil IPA

Oakham - Green Devil IPA


abv: 6.0%

Golden & Hoppy

An amazing hop harvest aroma with tropical fruit bursting through. Smooth and fruity starting with passion fruit, pineapple, and mango developing into lemon, limes and a citrusy bitterness. Finishes with a crisp refreshing dry aftertaste. 

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Oakham - Green Devil IPA (Craft Keg)

Oakham - Green Devil IPA (Craft Keg)


abv: 6.0%

Golden & Refreshing

An amazing hop harvest aroma with tropical fruit bursting through. Smooth and fruity starting with passion fruit, pineapple, and mango developing into lemon, limes and a citrusy bitterness. Finishes with a crisp refreshing dry aftertaste

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Oakham - Inferno

Oakham - Inferno


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Hoppy

this light igniting ale flickers complex fruit across your tongue, leaving a dry and fruity, bitter finish smothering your thirst.

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Oakham - Midnight Mild

Oakham - Midnight Mild


abv: 4.0%

Dark & Complex

Midnight mild has been brewed especially for the Oakademy of Excellence after requests for a mild were made. Midnight is associated with chaos, mystery, death and the underworld so don’t expect it to be too mild.
Mysteriously midnight brown in colour. Full flavoured, hints of roast malts with sweet delicate hop background, distant Oakham style hoppieness to finish.

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Oakham - Sock Monkey

Oakham - Sock Monkey


abv: 5.0%

Pale & Hoppy

Light, crisp, refreshing beer made with a combination of Centenniel and Columbus hops.

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Oakham - Warspite 6.2%

Oakham - Warspite 6.2%



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Oakham Ales - 2 & 7

Oakham Ales - 2 & 7


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Hoppy

A rare one off blonde brew from oakham, no tasting notes available

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Oakham Ales - Eugene's Lair

Oakham Ales - Eugene's Lair


abv: 4.3%

Golden & Hoppy

Tarnished gold in colour. Strong aromas of passion fruit and peach, a solid backbone of hop flavours turns into a resilient bitter finish


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oakham ales - guest brewer 'Green Jack' 3.6%

oakham ales - guest brewer 'Green Jack' 3.6%


A light pale and refreshing beer brewed exclusivly for oakhams by Green Jack brtewery


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Oakham Ales - Harvest spirit 4.3%

Oakham Ales - Harvest spirit 4.3%



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Oakham Ales - Jesters Ferret

Oakham Ales - Jesters Ferret


abv: 3.6%

Golden & Complex

This light golden beer has a balanced bitterness and a robust fruity flavour with powerful berry and tropical fruit aromas

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Oakham Ales - JHB 3.8%

Oakham Ales - JHB 3.8%


A light gold beer whose aroma is dominated by characteristic citrus notes. Hops and fruit on the palate are balanced by malt and a bitter base leading to a dry, hoppy finish with soft fruit flavours

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Oakham Ales - The Mercenary

Oakham Ales - The Mercenary


abv: 4.8%

Amber & Hoppy

This is a copper colored bitter with a sharp sting in its tale, We only have 1 firkin and when its gone, its gone forever!


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Oakham Ales Guest Brewer - RCH Light Porter

Oakham Ales Guest Brewer - RCH Light Porter


abv: 4.1%

Ruby & Complex

A light porter brewed by RCH brewery for oakham ales

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Oakhams - Attila

Oakhams - Attila


abv: 7.5%

Golden & Hoppy

Fruit notes and elder flower on aroma. Taste of ripe red berries and citrus fruit, with a long, bitter, fruity finish


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Oakhams - Endless Summer 3.4%

Oakhams - Endless Summer 3.4%


This light and refreshing summer beer begins with a fruity nose and taste before an endless wave of grapefruit and bitterness comes and wipes you out. 

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Oakhams - Gilberts Fridge

Oakhams - Gilberts Fridge


abv: 4.1%

Golden & Hoppy

Lustrous gold in colour with tropical fruit aroma. A hop packed taste with citrus notes soften to a building bitter finish.


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Oakhams - Guest Brewer York 3.7%

Oakhams - Guest Brewer York 3.7%


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oakhams - inferno export

oakhams - inferno export


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Bitter

same recipe but brewed to 4.4% ABV for a fuller more pronounced flavour

This light, igniting ale flickers complex fruits across your tongue, leaving a dry, fruity, bitter finish, smothering your thirst.

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Oakhams - Multi head

Oakhams - Multi head


abv: 4.8%

Pale & Bitter

a fruity aroma similar to “boiled sweets and pear drops. The initial taste is tart softening to reveal some fruity sweetness with an accumulating bitterness.


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Oakhams - Perun

Oakhams - Perun


abv: 5.5%

Golden & Hoppy

a strong American pale ale


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Oakhams - The Hare and the Hedgehog

Oakhams - The Hare and the Hedgehog


abv: 3.9%

Pale & Hoppy

An intensely dry and bitter beer loaded with citrus hops

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Oakhams - The krakens ink

Oakhams - The krakens ink


abv: 6.8%

Black & Complex

A strong Black IPA


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Oakhams - Vagabond

Oakhams - Vagabond


abv: 5.0%

Golden & Smooth

Aromas are toast malts with marmalade and hints of blackberry with earthy, herbal liquorice notes. Spicy with low pine and grapefruit. Flavours are juicy malts with bittersweet lemon and oranges. Pithy grapefruit. Floral and medicinal with nettle leafiness. Dry and woody to finish. Very nice.


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Oakhams - Water Of Forgetfulness

Oakhams - Water Of Forgetfulness


A light, refreshing beer with plenty of orangey citrus flavours and a dry, lingering finish.

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Oates - Summit

Oates - Summit


abv: 4.5%

Pale & Refreshing

A Cacophony of hops and malts harmoniously orchestrated in the style of a traditional I.P.A. Huge hits of tropical fruit explode on the palate, balanced by a sweet malty backbone, which develops into a smooth, subtle bitterness to finish.


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Offbeat - Oddball Red

Offbeat - Oddball Red


abv: 4.2%

Ruby & Malty

A delicious ruby red ale with a blend of American and New Zealand hops for a spicy finish


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Offbeat - Unhinged Ginger 4.5%

Offbeat - Unhinged Ginger 4.5%


Dry ginger and fresh ginger combined with a touch of chilli to make this delicious ginger beer


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Old Dairy - Blue Top 4.8%

Old Dairy - Blue Top 4.8%


Rich and full bodied, this pale brown ale has a long bittersweet finish with a hint of aroma hop


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Old Dairy - 'Red Top' 3.8%

Old Dairy - 'Red Top' 3.8%


"A rich tan, balanced bitter, with a light citrus twist – you won’t want any udder bitter!”

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Old Mill - Bullion Bitter

Old Mill - Bullion Bitter


abv: 4.7%

Amber & Bitter

A rich coloured ale brewed with crystal and roasted malts to give a mellow and distinctive hoppy flavour with a slightly bitter and malty aftertaste


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Old School - Blackboard

Old School - Blackboard


abv: 3.7%

Dark & Malty

Light roast and soft berries on the nose, with grape and malt. Flavours of licorish, sweet malt with a light roast.


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Oldershaws - Hollydaze

Oldershaws - Hollydaze


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Refreshing

Triple-hopped seasonal ale packed with enough high intensity citrus energy to keep the festive season buzzing. A lasting biscuit finish adds further jollity to this dazzling Christmas treat


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Orkney - Dark Island 4.6%

Orkney - Dark Island 4.6%


The roast malt and chocolate character varies, Making the beer hard to categorise as a stout or an old ale. A sweetish roast malt taste leads to a long lasting roasted, slightly bitter, dry finish


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Orkney - red macgregor 4.0%

Orkney - red macgregor 4.0%


Red Macgregor is a unique beer: delicate and sophisticated yet the robust cask conditioned version of this beer was the first Scottish beer to win the BIIA World Cask Beer Gold Medal.

On the nose, this ruby-red beer is delicate, floral and fruity, with notes of violets, cherries, toffee and caramel. 

On the palate, the fruits combine with a juicy malt character and hints of toasted malt, with a biscuit malt and spicy hop finish.


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Ossett - Big Red

Ossett - Big Red


abv: 4.0%

Ruby & Fruity

A full bodied ruby red ale with subtle chocolate malt character.
Inital maltiness leads to citrus, spice and bitterness at the end.
A rare Slovenian variety of hop provides both bitter finish and the aroma.

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Ossett - Citra 4.2%

Ossett - Citra 4.2%



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Ossett - Gold

Ossett - Gold


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Refreshing

Pale Gold is a refreshing golden ale, designed for the discerning session drinker. A spicy, floral aroma is derived from American Cascade hops

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Ossett - South Pacific IPA

Ossett - South Pacific IPA


abv: 5.0%

Golden & Bitter

A Hoppy pale ale


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Outstanding - Selling Out

Outstanding - Selling Out


abv: 3.9%

Golden & Refreshing

A fruity golden beer with a malty note and a zesty aroma


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Owenshaw - Katy's Blonde 3.6%

Owenshaw - Katy's Blonde 3.6%


No tasting notes available


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Oxfordshire - Blenhiem

Oxfordshire - Blenhiem


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Refreshing

A golden ale brewed in association with Blenheim Palace to celebrate the magnificent home of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and the birth place of Winston Churchill.

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Oxfordshire - Springs Inn

Oxfordshire - Springs Inn


abv: 3.7%

Golden & Refreshing


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Oxfordshire - Triple B

Oxfordshire - Triple B


abv: 3.7%

Amber & Bitter

a lovely autumn leaf brown colour with a light, nutty malt balanced with well-hopped bitterness.


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Panda Frog - Pandamonium IPA

Panda Frog - Pandamonium IPA


abv: 5.5%

Golden & Smooth

Hop driven Californian style IPA, vibrant and packed full of the finest hops America has to offer


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Peakstones Rock - Alton Abbey 4.5%

Peakstones Rock - Alton Abbey 4.5%


A ruby coloured beer, brewed with progress hops. This results in a smooth, fruity flavour.

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Peakstones Rock - Chained Oak

Peakstones Rock - Chained Oak


abv: 4.2%

Amber & Smooth

A copper coloured beer, use of flaked maize gives it a smooth flavour and good aroma.

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Peakstones Rock - Nemesis

Peakstones Rock - Nemesis


abv: 3.8%

Amber & Fruity

A light and refreshing straw coloured beer, with a citrus aroma. Plenty of flavour from a weaker beer.

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Peakstones Rock - Pugins Gold

Peakstones Rock - Pugins Gold


A light golden coloured beer made with lager malt and styrian hops which give it a citrus bite and aroma.

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Peerless - Skyline 3.8%

Peerless - Skyline 3.8%


Malty Amber session ale. Good initial bitterness with a hint of grapefruit on the finish


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Peerless - Triple Blond 4.1%

Peerless - Triple Blond 4.1%


a unique combination of three types of malt and three types of hop.

Blond in >


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Pheonix - Navvy 3.8%

Pheonix - Navvy 3.8%


A well balanced golden bitter


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Pheonix - Struggling Monkey 4.5%

Pheonix - Struggling Monkey 4.5%


Pale coloured, well balanced beer using English and Polish hops


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Pictish - Brewers Gold 3.8%

Pictish - Brewers Gold 3.8%


A refreshing thirst quenching pale golden session beer. Malty undertones and a powerful spicy hop aroma combine to produce a dangerously moreish beer.


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Potbelly - A Limp Pig Gold 4.3%

Potbelly - A Limp Pig Gold 4.3%


Clasic British hops give this beer the passion to achive ultimate heights! Pale golden in colour with moderate bitterness but lots of aroma and great length of flavor. Gold for glory!

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Potbelly - Beijing Black

Potbelly - Beijing Black


abv: 4.4%

Black & Malty

A strong dark mild


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Potbelly - Best

Potbelly - Best


abv: 3.8%

Brown & Malty

Brewed using a mixture of 4 different Malts together with Goldings hops to give a traditional Chestnut coloured Bitter

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Potbelly - Dark Tusker 3.6%

Potbelly - Dark Tusker 3.6%


 A smooth full flavored dark mild with a fruity palate and superb hop aroma


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potbelly - hop trotter 4.1%

potbelly - hop trotter 4.1%


golden in colour, subtle, spicy aromas with citrus notes from the hops, balanced by warm malt and a wonderful burst of zest. beautifully balanced, refreshing beer

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Problem Child - Good Spanking

Problem Child - Good Spanking


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Bitter

Golden, sharp and dry; full of flavour with a strong finish. Brewed using a lager malt with brewers gold and magnum hops.


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Prospect - Gold Rush 4.5%

Prospect - Gold Rush 4.5%


A deep golden ale with hoppy and bitter flavours, light fruity notes and  a grassy, floral finish


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Prospect - Nutty Slack

Prospect - Nutty Slack


abv: 3.9%

Dark & Malty

A delicious dark mild with hints of liquorice and a smooth malty taste. Part of our core beer range.
SIBA National Silver Medal 2009, Mild Category

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Prospect - Whatever

Prospect - Whatever


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Hoppy

A pale, straw coloured ale blended with 4 different hop varieties to give a intensely hopped clean flavour and a grapefruit aroma


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Purple Moose - Dark Side Of The Moose

Purple Moose - Dark Side Of The Moose


abv: 4.6%

Dark & Fruity

 A delicious dark ale with a deep malt flavour and a fruity bitterness 

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Purple moose - Elderflower ale

Purple moose - Elderflower ale


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Refreshing

A refreshing pale ale brewed using Casade hops with the added indulgence of elderflower.


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Purple Moose - Glaslyn

Purple Moose - Glaslyn


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Refreshing

A pale fruity best bitter


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Purple Moose - Madog's Ale

Purple Moose - Madog's Ale


abv: 3.7%

Amber & Bitter

Full bodied session bitter. Malty nose and initial nutty flavour but bitterness dominates. Well balanced and refreshing with a dry roastiness on the taste and a good dry finish

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Purple Moose - Snowdonia Ale

Purple Moose - Snowdonia Ale


abv: 3.6%

Golden & Hoppy

Golden and refreshing bitter with citrus fruit hoppiness in aroma and taste. The full mouthfeel leads to a long lasting, dry, bitter finish

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Ramsgate - Common Conspiracy 4.8%

Ramsgate - Common Conspiracy 4.8%


pale amber malts, German and American hops and USA west coast yeast all combine to create a wonderful drinkable California style "common" ale. crisp flavourful and refreshing


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Ramsgate - Gadds No 5

Ramsgate - Gadds No 5


A traditional Kentish best bitter. The aroma is toffee malt and fresh green hops with a full body and a lingering bitter finish

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Ramsgate - seasider 4.3%

Ramsgate - seasider 4.3%


Amber ale, mellow easy drinking ale. brewed with a little crystal malt and a lot of goldings hops. Nothing flash, malty body and a balanced sweet hop flavour.

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RCH - Hewish IPA 3.6%

RCH - Hewish IPA 3.6%


A lighty, hopped bitter with a subtle sweetness and fruitful taste. Floral, citrus hop aroma all of which lasts well to the finish. A light brown colour


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RCH - Hewish Mild

RCH - Hewish Mild


abv: 3.8%

Black & Spicey

a spicy and complex dark mild


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RCH - PG steam 3.9%

RCH - PG steam 3.9%


This complex multi layered ale has a floral hop aroma with medium bodied hop, bitter taste with some fruit and sweetness


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RCH - Pitchfork 4.3%

RCH - Pitchfork 4.3%


A golden bitter with floral citric hop aroma. It has a hoppy predominate taste which is slightly sweet and fruity and leaves you wanting more


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Red Squirrel - Conservation Bitter

Red Squirrel - Conservation Bitter


abv: 4.1%

Brown & Malty

Chestnut brown, hoppy fruitness, with a hint of chocolate

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Red Squirrel - Hop Fest

Red Squirrel - Hop Fest


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Refreshing

Light golden ale with a floral/citrus aroma and elderflower notes

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Red Squirrel - RSX

Red Squirrel - RSX


abv: 3.8%

Brown & Fruity

A chestnut brown coloured ale, showing succulent dried fruit with hoppy aromas.

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Red Willow - Feckless 4.1%

Red Willow - Feckless 4.1%


A classic English bitter, but a bit more so

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Red Willow - Headless 3.9%

Red Willow - Headless 3.9%


light, hoppy and refreshingly honest


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Reedley Hallows - Filly Close 3.9%

Reedley Hallows - Filly Close 3.9%


A very well balanced ale. Fruity and bitter with a spicy finish


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Revolutions - German Film Star

Revolutions - German Film Star


abv: 4.5%

Golden & Complex

German style Alt bier, brewed ,with German yeast


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Roosters - cogburn 4.3%

Roosters - cogburn 4.3%


A robust pale ale, with a great length of flavour, loaded with juicy fruit aromas from its combination of American hops


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Rudgate - Summer Solstice 4.0%

Rudgate - Summer Solstice 4.0%


Tawny coloured but light in flavour with balanced hops complimented by hints of malt on the palate


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Salamander - Golden Salamander

Salamander - Golden Salamander


abv: 4.5%

Golden & Bitter

Aroma of grassy hops, caramel and barley. Bitter with a light peppery dry finish


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Salamander - Her Majesty's pleasure 4.0%

Salamander - Her Majesty's pleasure 4.0%


Pale and hoppy


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Salopian - Darwins Origin

Salopian - Darwins Origin


abv: 4.3%

Amber & Bitter

Darwin's Origin is an eclectic mix of hops from across the world but this blend produces a beer that offers something to everyone. Crisp, tart, fruity and refreshing but also with a juicy malt background.

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Salopian - Hop Twister 4.5%

Salopian - Hop Twister 4.5%


The palate is fresh, piercing and focused, with soft malt overtones and pronounced citrus flavours. A strong focus of taut, lemony, grapefruit on the finish which is balanced by a dry bitterness

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Salopian - Inquisition 4.2%

Salopian - Inquisition 4.2%


With a glowing russet hue, Inquisition is a crisp bitter with a cutting edge that develops a powerful focus of hop on the finish

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Salopian - Shropshire Gold

Salopian - Shropshire Gold


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Fruity

Golden, with a flora aroma and a full hoppy flavour that is balanced by a crisp dry maltiness and a rich finish

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Salopian - Treasure Trove

Salopian - Treasure Trove


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Hoppy

A fruity golden ale with flavours of tropical resinous fruits abundant in the mouth, and a sensuous citrus finish.

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Salopian -oracle

Salopian -oracle


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Hoppy

The intention of the hop character is to be pronounced but not all encompassing, dry but not overtly bitter and a tiny hint of sweetness to add body. Its one of the most expensive of the Salopian beers to brew as it relies heavily on expensive hops from the US.

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Saltaire - Raspberry Blonde

Saltaire - Raspberry Blonde


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Fruity

Refreshingly blonde ale delicately infused with raspberry flavours


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Saltaire - Raspberry blonde 4.0%

Saltaire - Raspberry blonde 4.0%


Refreshing blonde ale infused with a hint of raspberries


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Saltaire - South Island IPA 3.5%

Saltaire - South Island IPA 3.5%


A clean, pale beer, with cool crisp fruitiness from New Zealand hops, grown at Tasman Bay.

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Sherfield Village - Quintessential 2 4.5%

Sherfield Village - Quintessential 2 4.5%


Amber coloured ale bursting with flavour from 5 different hops


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Skinners - Royal Wave 4.4%

Skinners - Royal Wave 4.4%


a hoppy and fruity golden ale


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Slaters - Bitter 3.6%

Slaters - Bitter 3.6%


A traditional English bitter


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Slaters - Diamond Jubilee 3.8%

Slaters - Diamond Jubilee 3.8%


traditional English bitter


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Slaters - Original

Slaters - Original


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Fruity

An anmber bitter with malty aroma and caramel notes. The hoppy taste develops into a dry finish balanced by a touch of sweetness.

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Slaters - Top Totty

Slaters - Top Totty


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Fruity

A stunning blonde beer full bodied with a voluptuous hop aroma

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Small World - Spikes gold

Small World - Spikes gold


abv: 4.4%

Golden & Refreshing

A hoppy easy drinking golden beer brewed with First Gold Hops


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St Austell - Trelawny 3.8%

St Austell - Trelawny 3.8%


Peach and apricot notes dominate the aroma, with hints of butterscotch and toffee apple. The taste is full, with toasted biscuit and jam being balanced by the mellow, yet assertive bitterness of tangy hops.

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Steel City - Born to be riled

Steel City - Born to be riled


abv: 4.2%

Pale & Hoppy

Hoppy American pale ale


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Steel City Brewing - Draconian Times 5.2%

Steel City Brewing - Draconian Times 5.2%


This brew is the first for a while to use Safale US-05 yeast (we usually brew with K-97) to see how the hop character comes out with this very popular yeast, one we like quite a lot.  It's also the first brew for a while to eschew our usual Herkules bittering hops in preference for the hop-which-smells-most-like-Amsterdam, the pungent Columbus, in alliance with some true A-list beasties such as Galaxy, Citra, Simcoe and Motueka.

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Stringers - Plan B

Stringers - Plan B


abv: 3.7%

Pale & Refreshing

Pale, light and zesty with a touch of honey “Gluten Free”


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Summer Wine - Origin 3.9%

Summer Wine - Origin 3.9%


a light golden ale


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Thornbridge - Black Harry

Thornbridge - Black Harry


abv: 4.1%

Black & Malty

A fruity aroma with notes of raspberry, a light creamy body, roasted notes and a long nutty finish.

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Thornbridge - Brother Rabbit

Thornbridge - Brother Rabbit


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Refreshing

Lemon zest in colour with a clean, hoppy aroma. A resinous finish and some bitterness.

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Thornbridge - Colorado Red

Thornbridge - Colorado Red


abv: 5.9%

Ruby & Hoppy

A twist on the popular American red style, it has been hopped instead with a massive amount of oil-rich English hops including Admiral, Bramling Cross, Phoenix, Pilgrim and First Gold. Nose is light toasty notes and citrus. Has a very light toasty malt character and then some citrus hop kick.

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Thornbridge - Jaipur

Thornbridge - Jaipur


abv: 5.9%

Golden & Bitter

The immediate impression of this wonderful, award winning, India Pale Ale is soft and smooth but this builds around the mouth to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey.


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Thornbridge - Kipling

Thornbridge - Kipling


abv: 5.2%

Pale & Bitter

Golden blonde beer with an exquisite passionfruit, gooseberry and mango aroma. An initial sweetness and full body are balanced by a lasting grapefruit-like bitter finish.

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Thornbridge - Lumford

Thornbridge - Lumford


abv: 3.9%

Pale & Hoppy

New world pale ale


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Thornbridge - White Swan

Thornbridge - White Swan


abv: 3.5%

Pale & Refreshing

white gold in colour with aromas of light bitter lemon, a hint of herbs and a subtle spiciness. A great refreshing beer.

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Thwaites - Crafty Devil 4.3%

Thwaites - Crafty Devil 4.3%


Don’t be Deceived! The initial malty flavour of this reddish premium ale disguises a wonderful late hop character that lingers long-after


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Thwaites - Lancaster Bomber

Thwaites - Lancaster Bomber


abv: 4.4%

Brown & Malty

Award winning full-bodied chestnut coloured ale with an inviting malty aroma and warming aftertaste.

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Thwaites - Wainrights 4.1%

Thwaites - Wainrights 4.1%


Exquisitely lovely golden ale. Named after Alfred Wainwright, the renowned Lakeland author who was born in Blackburn, Wainwright is a refreshing golden ale with subtle sweetness and delicate citrus fruity overtones.

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Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3%

Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3%


A hoppy, increasingly bitter finish compliments the background malt and citrus character of the full-flavoured and well-balanced amber ale.

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Titanic - Anchor

Titanic - Anchor


abv: 4.1%

Golden & Fruity

This impressive russet gold beer has a strong fruity aroma. Bitterness in the initial taste slips gently from the mooring to allow the full impact of the hops to burst through

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Titanic - Compass

Titanic - Compass


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Refreshing

The ships compass has long been an essential item for any voyage. Light in colour but not in depth this intense combination of maris otter malt and the worlds finest hops leads the palette in every direction, sweet and bitter, warming yet refreshing. The world in a glass.

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titanic - First Class

titanic - First Class


abv: 3.8%

Golden & Hoppy

Passengers in steerage class lapped up the luxury that the Titanic embodied, in first class however the opulence literally enveloped them. This beer uses the choicest ingredients, carefully selected, to create a magnificent golden brown beer, hoppy yet balanced to offer a taste of luxury to the bottom of the glass.

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Titanic - Iceberg

Titanic - Iceberg


abv: 4.1%

Pale & Refreshing

A combination of Maris Otter pale malt and fine wheat malt, give this refreshing beer real zest. Add refreshing Yakima Galena and Cascade hops and what you get is a fantastic wheat beer that will hole any passing thirst.

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Titanic - Lifeboat

Titanic - Lifeboat


abv: 4.0%

Ruby & Malty

Cast yourself adrift with this fruity and malty,red brown bittersweet beer. It has a serene caramel character and the finish is dry and fruity.

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Titanic - Mild

Titanic - Mild


abv: 3.5%

Black & Malty

A mild of classic style full of roast malt and balanced by delicate hops. True to type it has a rounded sweetness and a smooth dry finish.

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Titanic - night to remember 4.3%

Titanic - night to remember 4.3%


Clean tasting and refreshing this beer has a distinctive balance of hops and malt and will be enjoyed by everyone whatever the occasion. Don`t over indulge or you won`t remember !


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Titanic - Sundeck 4.3%

Titanic - Sundeck 4.3%


A tan coloured beer with hop character developing in the rounded flavour. Lie back in the sun and enjoy this quoits superb beer

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Toolmaker - Apprentice

Toolmaker - Apprentice


abv: 4.0%

Pale & Refreshing

Well balanced beer with hints of caramel, chocolate and a clean finish


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Tring - Mansion Mild

Tring - Mansion Mild


abv: 3.7%

Dark & Smooth

a smooth, creamy, dark ruby mild with a fruity palate and gentle late hop aroma

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Tyne Bank - Monument 4.1%

Tyne Bank - Monument 4.1%


With a hop mix that gives it a berry fruit character with berry aromas and a balanced bitterness, while the malt blend gives a slight caramel undertone


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Vale - Best 3.7%

Vale - Best 3.7%


Heavily hopped with traditional varieties producing a thirst quenching beer with pronounced and pleasant hop aroma.

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Vale - Red Kite 4.0%

Vale - Red Kite 4.0%


Red Kite is a refreshing Chestnut Red beer with a bitter finish. Maris Otter Crystal, Chocolate and roasted barley provide a full body whilst Northdown, Fuggle, Williamette and Brewers Gold hops combine to offer a subtle starting bitterness with a strong bitter finish.



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Vale - Summer Glory 4.0%

Vale - Summer Glory 4.0%


Pale malts and a hint of crystal combine with perle and cascade whole cone hops, producing an easy drinking golden beer with a citrus hop aroma

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Vale - VPA 4.2%

Vale - VPA 4.2%


Hops from across the Atlantic and Kent’s finest produce an assertive dry hoppy ale combined with a pronounced malt background.

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Vale - Wychert 3.9%

Vale - Wychert 3.9%


A traditional Thames Valley beer, excellent flavours are notable in this strikingly malty beer. With a finish of fruit and nut on the palate.

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wadworth - 6X 4.3%

wadworth - 6X 4.3%


Full bodied and distinctive, 6X remains one of the South's most famous beers. The beer is mid-brown in colour, malty and fruity with balancing hop character.

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Wells - DNA

Wells - DNA


abv: 4.5%

Golden & Hoppy

A collaboration between Charles Wells and Dogfish head brewery in USA
pale and hoppy ale


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Wells - Eagle IPA

Wells - Eagle IPA


abv: 3.6%

Brown & Malty

A refreshing, amber session bitter with pronounced citrus hop aroma and palate, faint malt in the mouth, and a lasting dry, bitter finish


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Wharfebank - Camfell Flame 4.4%

Wharfebank - Camfell Flame 4.4%


An Award Winning chestnut coloured premium ale brewed with a complex mix of malts, English hops with Celeia aroma late hops, and unusually Demerara sugar. A beer bursting with roasted flavour!

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Wharfebank - Tether Blonde 4.1%

Wharfebank - Tether Blonde 4.1%


A pale/straw coloured and highly drinkable American hopped beer, with a resinous character and a very distinctive citrus top note. A fantastic blond beer!

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Wharfebank - VPA 3.6%

Wharfebank - VPA 3.6%


A highly drinkable session, pale golden ale, hopped with 3 distinctive varieties, giving a citrus, fruity experience. Fantastically light and refreshing.

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White Horse - Bitter

White Horse - Bitter


abv: 3.7%

Amber & Malty

Deep in the vale of the White Horse tradition is being kept alive. Using only the finest ingredients this golden bitter balances locally grown Challenge Hops with Yorkshires malt, to offer the discerning drinker a beer that will stop any horse in its tracks


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Wilson Potter - Don't Fall

Wilson Potter - Don't Fall


abv: 3.9%

Pale & Hoppy

A lovely Pale hoppy blonde


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Wincle - Undertaker 4.5%

Wincle - Undertaker 4.5%


There's a touch of the night about this dark coloured bitter. Its complex, nutty and fruit undertones last rite to the bitter end.

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Wincle - Wibbly Wallaby 4.4%

Wincle - Wibbly Wallaby 4.4%


A full bodied golden beer with fruity 'hoppy' overtones and a dry, slightly biscuity finish. Very moorish

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Woodfordes - Once Bittern

Woodfordes - Once Bittern


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Bitter

Copper coloured best bitter. Malt, Fruit and spice flavours, dry finish


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Woodfordes - Sundew

Woodfordes - Sundew


abv: 4.1%

Golden & Refreshing

Golden in colour. Light on the palate with a distinct hoppy finish


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Wychwood - Hobgoblin

Wychwood - Hobgoblin


abv: 4.5%

Ruby & Malty

Traditionally craft brewed with Chocolate & Crystal malts
and a blend of Styrian, Goldings & Fuggles hops to produce
a full-bodied, Ruby beer that delivers a delicious chocolate
toffee malt flavour, balanced with a rounded moderate
bitterness and an overall fruity, mischievous character


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York - First Light

York - First Light


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Bitter

A delicious straw coloured beer with a fruity aroma and fairly dry finish. Very moreish and easy drinking

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York - Guzzler

York - Guzzler


abv: 3.6%

Golden & Refreshing

A light golden beer with well balanced hops and malt against a background of fruitiness. Crisp, dry, and refreshing, Guzzler is a perfect beer for drinking all year round.


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York - Legacy 4.0%

York - Legacy 4.0%


Named after the hops from the oldest hop yard on the Putebaugh farm in Mabton, Washington. Planted 49 years ago by Martin  Putebaugh, the hops that are used are from the same roots planted all those years ago. The resulting beer is a dry and refreshing with hints of blackcurrent on the nose a and fruity flavour

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York - Yorkshire Terrier

York - Yorkshire Terrier


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Fruity

multiple award-winning Terrier is a golden coloured premium bitter with a rich, creamy malt and full hop palate finish.


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Youngs - Bitter

Youngs - Bitter


abv: 3.7%

Golden & Refreshing

Bursting with taste, Young's Bitter is an easy to drink, refreshing cask ale with a fresh, fruity aroma that leaves a long, satisfying bitter finish. It is traditionally brewed to deliver a clean taste and is light and dry in flavour with a subtle taste of hops

Brewery Website


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Youngs - Hummingbird

Youngs - Hummingbird


abv: 4.2%

Golden & Refreshing

a 4.2% ABV golden ale with a hint of passion fruit and what’s interesting about this beer is that the fruit twist is created by the hops.


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Youngs - London Gold

Youngs - London Gold


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Smooth

A light golden full flavoured beer with a refreshing bite


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Youngs - Special

Youngs - Special


abv: 4.5%

Brown & Smooth

Pale brown in colour, this rounded best bitter has citrus throughout plus some slight creamy toffee, which balances the bitterness that grows in the aftertaste

Brewery Website


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Youngs - Winter Warmer

Youngs - Winter Warmer


abv: 5.0%

Ruby & Fruity

The beer is a rich, ruby-coloured beer, almost red in bright light. It has a complex fruity nose with hints of candy and is luscious and full-bodied, with a powerful mouth-coating flavour leading to a bittersweet, vinous finish.


liked by 4 people 4 recommends

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